Tried to register two views with the same name RNCAndroidDialogPicker
In my case the problem was being caused by react-native-picker and NativeBase both using different versions of the same react-native picker package. You have included the package “import {Picker} from ‘@react-native-picker/picker’;” and react-native-picker-select was using the same repository “react-native-picker/picker”. I resolved this issue by removing the “@react-native-picker/picker” from component and changing any imports of that package in NativeBase.
So you need to remain import from one repository.
Tried to register two views with the same name RNCAndroidDialogPicker, invariant violation tried to register two views with the same name rncandroiddialogpicker, Tried to register two views with the same name RNCAndroidDialogPicker, ERROR Error: Requiring module “node_modules\@react-native-picker\picker\js\index.js”, which threw an exception: Invariant Violation: Tried to register two views with the same name RNCAndroidDialogPicker,Tried to register two views with the same name