The error message “Database error [Error: Could not open database]” in a React Native application typically indicates a problem with accessing or opening the SQLite database. Here are some common reasons and solutions for this error:
- Check the Database Path:
Make sure that the path to the SQLite database file is correct. Double-check the path you are using when opening the database. Ensure that the file exists and is accessible.
Example of opening a database in React Native using the react-native-sqlite-storage
import { openDatabase,enablePromise } from ‘react-native-sqlite-storage’; enablePromise(true); export const getdbConnection = async()=>{ vardb = openDatabase({name:’mydb.db’, location:”default”}, (success) => { returnsuccess; }
2. Permissions:
Ensure that your application has the necessary permissions to access and write to the location where the SQLite database file is stored. On Android, you may need to request and check for WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.
3. Initialization:
Make sure the database is properly initialized before trying to open it. If the database file does not exist, you may need to create it.
db.transaction((tx) => { tx.executeSql( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS myTable (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT);', [], (tx, result) => { // Table created successfully }, (error) => { console.error(error); } ); });

4. Comment the react-native.config.js config
In some versions of react native react-native.config.js configuration can be the cause of this issue. So you need to comment of that part of the code from react-native.config.js