Error Could not resolve project react-native-camera,error could not resolve project :react-native-camera,react native could not resolve project react-native-camera,could not resolve project react-native-camera,could not resolve project react-native-camera. required by project app,a problem occurred evaluating project ' react-native-camera-kit',a problem occurred configuring project ' react-native-camera-kit',error camera is not running,react-native-camera not working,error camera capture failed. camera is already capturing,react-native could not be found within the project,could not resolve project react-native-maps,could not resolve project react-native-navigation,Can not Resolve React Native Camera

Error Could not resolve project react-native-camera

Error Could not resolve project react-native-camera

Add below to App/build.gradle

android {
  defaultConfig {
    missingDimensionStrategy 'react-native-camera', 'general' <-- insert this line

react-native iOS app not showing images after deploying

Add jitpack to android/build.gradle

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }
        maven { url "" }

Error Could not resolve project react-native-camera,error could not resolve project :react-native-camera,react native could not resolve project react-native-camera,could not resolve project react-native-camera,could not resolve project react-native-camera. required by project app,a problem occurred evaluating project ' react-native-camera-kit',a problem occurred configuring project ' react-native-camera-kit',error camera is not running,react-native-camera not working,error camera capture failed. camera is already capturing,react-native could not be found within the project,could not resolve project react-native-maps,could not resolve project react-native-navigation,Can not Resolve React Native Camera

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