How to Set up GoDaddy Domain with Vercel

How to Set up GoDaddy Domain with Vercel

Vercel deployments for your apps are a breeze and easy to set up. Vercel has great documentation about how to configure custom domains, but if you’re not so familiar with GoDaddy’s platform it can be difficult navigating to the DNS area. Vercel automatically assigns a domain to your project at deployment, but if you’re looking to use a custom GoDaddy domain, here are the steps to configure it:

  1. First, you have already purchased a domain from GoDaddy and want to redirect your Vercel app to this domain.
  2. Go to your project on the Vercel platform. In the Overview tab of your Vercel project, click on the “View Domains” button.
How to Set up GoDaddy Domain with Vercel
How to Set up GoDaddy Domain with Vercel

3. Enter your GoDaddy domain in the input, which adds it to your project.


How to Set up GoDaddy Domain with Vercel
How to Set up GoDaddy Domain with Vercel


4. After you add the domain you are given this “Invalid Configuration” message and given the option to either configure your domain by A record or Nameservers (A Record method recommended). Choose which method you would like to configure your domain.


How to Set up GoDaddy Domain with Vercel


5. Go to your GoDaddy account to manage your DNS. Navigate to your domain list. Select the domain you want your Vercel app to redirect to.

How to Set up GoDaddy Domain with Vercel

6. In the Domain Settings, scroll to the bottom of the page to the block titled “Additional Settings.” Turn the Domain Lock “Off.” Click on the Manage DNS link to configure your DNS.

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