How to add custom filter/Search using Laravel Datatables
In this Laravel tutorial, we will discuss today how to add a custom filter/Search with Laravel Datatable. The package we are going to use for Datatable is yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle.
During this tutorial, we will use laravel 5.8, but you can start from Laravel 5.1 or above version. When you show the millions of records on a page from the database in a form of table you need to add pagination and some filters to find the specific record.
The yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle package gives the functionalities like sort, search, pagination on a table. So just follow the following steps to add the custom filter and search in laravel application:
Setup New Laravel Project
Via Laravel Installer
composer global require laravel/installer laravel new projectName
Via composer
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel projectName
Setup MySQL database for your project
In second setup create a new database through your phpmyadmin dashboard and add this database to your .env file.
//.env DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE= your database name DB_USERNAME= your database username DB_PASSWORD= your database password
Now you need to migrate two default table users and password_resets through the command:-
php artisan migrate
this command will create both ( users and password_resets ) table in your database.
Install yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle Package
Now laravel datatable process has been starting here. First you need to install yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle Package in your project through the command:-
composer require yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle
Add Package To Providers and Aliases config->app.php File
'providers' => [ // ... Yajra\Datatables\DatatablesServiceProvider::class, ] 'aliases' => [ // ... 'Datatables' => Yajra\Datatables\Facades\Datatables::class, ]
Create Dummy Data
To show laravel datatable we need to create some dummy data through the command:-
php artisan tinker factory(App\User::class, 100)->create();
Through above command 100 dummy users data will be added to users table in your database.
Create Controller
Create a new controller for laravel datatables called DataTableController
php artisan make:controller DataTableController
Create A Route
Create a new route in route/web.php
Route::get('createdatatable', 'DataTableController@createdatatable'); Route::get('index', 'DataTableController@index');
Now update controller like below
use Datatables; use App\User; class EmploymentAgreement extends Controller { public function index() { return Datatables::of(User::query())->make(true); } public function createdatatable() { return view('showdatatable'); } }
Create View show datatable
Laravel DataTables View Laravel DataTables Tutorial Example
Id Name
Now run code by command:
php artisan serve
The output will look like below screenshot:-
See also:- How to generate a pdf file in laravel and How to integrate adobe echo sign API in Laravel
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