No resource found that matches the given name (at ‘icon’ with value ‘@mipmap/ic_launcher.png’) react native

No resource found that matches the given name (at ‘icon’ with value ‘@mipmap/ic_launcher.png’) react native You need to add in AndroidManifest.xml file:- android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher" Instead of android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher.png" No resource found that matches the given name (at ‘icon’ with value ‘@mipmap/ic_launcher.png’) react

location permission not granted in react native

location permission not granted in react native You have to take permission from the user. ANDROID import { PermissionsAndroid } from 'react-native'; await PermissionsAndroid.request( PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, ); IOS import Geolocation from 'react-native-geolocation-service'; Geolocation.requestAuthorization(); Geolocation.setRNConfiguration({ skipPermissionRequests: false, authorizationLevel: 'whenInUse', }); location permission

error: node_modules/react-native-reanimated/src/index.ts

error: node_modules/react-native-reanimated/src/index.ts you need to complete the documentation of react-native-reanimated.Open the the babel.config.js file so the final code in babel.config.js will look below:- module.exports = { presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'], plugins: ['react-native-reanimated/plugin'], }; error: node_modules/react-native-reanimated/src/index.ts,Requiring module “node_modules\react-native-reanimated, Reanimated 2.5.0 breaks type checks,Error:

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