How to add polygons and polyline in react native map
In this tutorial, I am going to show you how you can add the polyline and polygon in react native app application.
import the react-native map package with Polyline and polygon:-
import MapView, { Marker, AnimatedRegion,PROVIDER_GOOGLE,Polyline,polygon } from "react-native-maps";
Please check the below complete code
{ = ref }} initialRegion={{ latitude: this.state.maplatitude, longitude: this.state.maplongitude, latitudeDelta: 0.000001, longitudeDelta: this.state.LONGITUDE_DELTA, }} mapPadding={{ top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 20, left: 20 }} loadingEnabled={false} userLocationPriority={'high'} followsUserLocation={true} showsUserLocation={true} showsMyLocationButton={true} showsTraffic={false} zoomEnabled={true} zoomTapEnabled={true} zoomControlEnabled={true} rotateEnabled={true} scrollEnabled={true} toolbarEnabled={true} showsCompass={false} userInterfaceStyle={'dark'} style={{ marginBottom: this.state.bottomMargin, ...StyleSheet.absoluteFillObject, }} mapType={Platform.OS == "android" ? "standard" : "standard"} onLayout = { (some) => { }} onMapReady={() => this.setState({ bottomMargin: 1 })} >
how to add polygons and polyline in react native mapreact native maps polyline animationreact native maps polyline not showingreact native maps polyline decodereact-native-maps polyline.mdreact native maps draw polygonreact native maps draw polylinereact native map polyline examplepolyline google maps react nativemapview.polyline react nativereact native maps polylinereact native maps polygon examplereact native maps polyline examplereact native maps polygonreact native map polylinereact native maps draw routereact-native-maps draw route