laravel download file from s3 to local storage To download a file from Amazon S3 to your local storage using Laravel, you can use the AWS SDK for PHP which Laravel already includes as a dependency. Here’s an example of
Doctrine query builder match username and password
Doctrine query builder match username and password Please check the below code of the snippet:- $query = $em->createQuery("SELECT u FROM App\Entity\FrontUser u WHERE = :email AND u.password = :password")->setParameter('email', $_REQUEST['username'])->setParameter('password', md5($_REQUEST['password'])); $users = $query->getResult(); Doctrine query builder match username
how to integrate zoho api in php laravel
how to integrate zoho api in php laravel 1) Go to the Zoho Developer Console. If it’s the first time you’re registering a client application, click GET STARTED. Choose the required Client Type. 2) Request Authorization Code This API
How to make oauth2 for here map API in php
How to make oauth2 for here map API in php To make oauth2 authentication in PHP for here map you need bellow credentials:- 1) 2) here.access.key.secret Now use below code snippet to create an access token $timer = (string)
How to integrate Binect APIs in php
In this tutorial, we are going to learn How to integrate Binect APIs in PHP. First thing you need to create the authorization code using your username and password like below:- Basic YW51anN0YXBsZUBnbWFpbC5jb206QW51akAxMjM= 1) Get user data Through the first